Tuesday, July 3, 2012

HTML: How To Meet Ladies

To do that you need to ask a question of yourself: why should this girl like you? Be honest with yourself here, if you do not believe you have anything to offer then either will she. One method here is to make a list of your redeeming qualities. Are you tall or athletic? Do your friends consider you the smart one of the group? The funny one? You can find out what qualities the girl prefers in her potential boyfriend and make sure she knows you exhibit those qualities. If you find that your list is very short, that only gives you an opportunity to lengthen the list! Make another list of qualities you'd like to have: e.g., better shape, more knowledgeable about some subject, active in a new hobby, etc. Now you can work towards them. Not only will these new qualities give you something extra to talk about with the girl you're interested in, they'll make you feel better about yourself.

Here are some steps on how to meet ladies:

 There's no one-size-fits-all solution here. What impresses one girl might make another roll her eyes. Your best bet is to be yourself. Demonstrate a unique skill, talent or something difficult to do that you're proud of, like playing guitar and singing in tune at the same time, something that sets you apart from the crowd. Not only will this make her feel good about you, but it can boost your confidence, too. Impress her, but do not boast too much about your great achievements and plans.

2. Be her friend
    Girls don't just fall for random strangers. If you're in the same lecture or tutorial as her, find out her name. Every time she walks into the room, smile at her. Sometimes this is all it takes for a young woman to notice you. At the same time though, don't do this too often! It will just end up looking like you're obsessed with her. But if you talk to other women too, like friends of yours, then she'll see that you're all there. If she doesn't seem to see you, when she walks by, just say "Hi!" in a friendly way. This way she'll know you exist. If she's shy, she might just smile back, so don't take this as a sign that she doesn't like you! 

3. Talk to her
    Tell her what you really enjoy in life, what gets you excited and find out what gets her excited. Be positive. If you had a bad day, still greet her pleasantly with a big smile. Most importantly, listen to everything she says. Whether she talks about herself, her family, hobbies or anything, pay attention. Some things could be useful or important to know later in the relationship. Nod to show that you're listening, and also respond to what she says so she knows that you really are listening. Women are very appreciative of guys who demonstrate sincere interest in what they say. 

  The stereotypical icons of romance (roses, candles, chocolate and teddy bears) can only go so far. Think about what really gets that special someone excited. Recognize what makes her unique; find and do things that only she would appreciate. What are her quirky (perhaps secret) interests, obsessions and fantasies? Whenever she's shopping, talking, or watching a movie, what makes her eyes light up? Pay attention! Girls easily notice if you still remember things they told you a long while ago. Being romantic means acknowledging how special a person is, and that means demonstrating that you know––better than anyone else in the world—–what makes her unique. 
5. Compliment her.
  If you really like someone, you probably appreciate a lot of things about her.The more unique the compliment, the better received it will be, unless she's shallow. Most girls like being complimented on something that makes them distinct, not something that plenty of other women have. If you compliment her appearance, try to be original, perhaps by specifying a particular feature. Better yet, compliment her personality or skills.You can tell her she's beautiful only about once or twice. If you're going to compliment her, compliment her on her personality, how good she is at something, how she does things, etc. If she's very pretty, it's likely that several other guys have already mentioned it to her; it may sound trite after a while. Complimenting her appearance too much may make her think you're shallow and maybe that you just want to have sex with her, and you don't want to give that impression. 

6. Make her laugh
 Telling jokes or funny stories is a classic way to make a person laugh, but not the only way. Find out which are her favorite comedians, funny movies, or sitcoms. Watch them with her. Be bold and think of some antics that will make her laugh. Tell her to dare you to do something, then do it (as long as it's not illegal, of course). Laughter will come by itself if both of you are relaxed and enjoying each other's company.

  Invite her to go somewhere or to do something with you. Make sure it's something that you're both interested in. If you want, show her your world. Bring her somewhere that you feel comfortable and preferably, where you have or do something you're proud of. Alternatively, you can express interest in seeing her world. Is she a musician? Ask if you can see her perform. Is she a mathematician? Ask to read her report or thesis. If you aren't yet ready or comfortable with the idea of sharing your personal lives to that extent, just go out for lunch or do something simple together, maybe with a small group of friends, where you can get to know her better
  Invite her to go somewhere or to do something with you. Make sure it's something that you're both interested in. If you want, show her your world. Bring her somewhere that you feel comfortable and preferably, where you have or do something you're proud of. Alternatively, you can express interest in seeing her world. Is she a musician? Ask if you can see her perform. Is she a mathematician? Ask to read her report or thesis. If you aren't yet ready or comfortable with the idea of sharing your personal lives to that extent, just go out for lunch or do something simple together, maybe with a small group of friends, where you can get to know her better.
TYL Tsuna and Kyoko 

8. Look Good
 If you want to get a woman to like you, basic cleanliness and appearance makes a huge difference on your success in the dating zone. Brush your teeth. When you take care of yourself, it makes you more appealing to others, whether dating or not, and it will have an impact on your level of confidence. If you are going to see that "special someone", make sure you're feeling and looking your best. Girls notice things like bad breath, scruffy faces and greasy hair before they notice that winning personality. Give them a chance to see your good qualities by making a good first impression.

9. Value her
 Women want to feel important and valued. When communicating with her, make an effort to say more rather than less and to keep things personal rather than generic. When you want to ask her out or to do something with you, ask in person, preferably at her home. She needs to know that you're prepared to go the extra mile and not wuss out on her.

  You are unique. Be the authentic you. Bring out your best. Let her know you as who you truly are. Use your talents, gifts, and strengths and let yourself be known. If you have great sense of humor, share that with her. If you love science, music, poetry, politics, or sports, let her know what you love. The right woman will fall for you and love you just the way you are.